Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day Twenty-Three

I haven't had much inspiration today, so all of my pictures are of the same thing: my little Christmas village. I swear, I took about sixty pictures (most of which I deleted) and picking my favorite wasn't nearly as hard as yesterday. Enjoy! I'll try to label the buildings for you.

Featuring the movie theater, baber/beauty shop, police station, and nursery

A corner store, cafe, and grocery store

Gas station, house, house, church

Police station and barber shop

This big white house is my newest one, sitting next to the little pink house that's from 1997, I think [Edit: I checked, and I was a year off. The house is from 1996.]

Two more houses. For all the buildings I have, I actually only have four houses.

The one on the end, the corner store, is the first little house I ever got. I received it on my first Christmas in 1994.

These shots are pretty green... maybe I should have edited a little...

The movie theater, hotel, and bank

The backs of the houses

All 17 of the houses in order of year. There were too many to line up on my desk so I had to use my stool!

I just noticed that this little gas station is in a lot of pictures...

The inside of the movie theater. I tried and tried to get a closer shot of the seats but all 3,000 of them were too blurry.

Inside upper level of the schoolhouse

A room in the hotel

Another room in the hotel

So, actually, it was pretty fun photographing all my little houses. They're so cute! Tomorrow I'm back to school, and after school I have to go to the orthodontist and then to a girl scout leader meeting, so I have no idea when I'll take pictures. Don't expect this many! :)


EDIT: I took a few more pictures and didn't feel like waiting to upload them.

The houses usually sit on top of my jewelry box in order of year

Daisy, Edward, and Frank were all laying the same way right next to each other and it was so. Cute.

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