Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Sporadic Update

Hello again! I'm popping in to post some pictures. I don't even know how long it's been since I was last here! I think today is day 55.

xD I liked this calendar. It was from last year.

Some tuba music, I think. It was just sitting in a chair in the band room.

I finally finished my doodle page in the front of my history binder!!

I love taking pictures of this little pot. It's so cute.

The top view of my magazine tree

A pirate sticker on a sheet my friend gave me. I have a few on my phone, and more on my flute and piccolo cases!

Shards of mirrors my friend Daniel and I broke one time

I turned them into an actual mirror!

Uh-oh, it's project time again... pretty paper, though. Just wait and see what I did with it.

My mom and I went shopping for some flowers to put out front.

We ended up buying a boatload of pansies

We also bought two of these to put in the pots by the front gate


Sassy and my mom's foot

Ta-da!! Here's what I made with the cute paper above. It's a box!

But wait--what's this? There are boxes inside the box?!

Wow! Cool! Clever! They fold together to make it seem like a bigger box!!

One of the pots outside our front gate

Some of my planted pansies

I asked my sister to straighten my hair after I washed it. My hair takes forever to dry, so I decided to use the blow-dryer. And then I remembered why I never use the blow-dryer. The brightness takes away from how big my hair actually is in this picture.

Today in band we played cards

I'm doing my hero journey project on Warriors: Into the Wild by Erin Hunter

I don't like the focus on this one. It's not quite on the sailboat, but more on my neighbor's house.

Frank moved while I was taking this one, but it's still so cute!

Again, I don't like the focus on this one...


Frank and Daisy

The puppies like to hang out here and wait for my mom to come up the stairs when she gets home. It's dangerous, and a few of them have already fallen, but it's like they've forgotten or something, because they still do it every day.

And there you go. Loads of pictures. :) I need to go do homework now, so I'll post again in a week or so! DFTBA!


PS: Please check out this month's photos so far at

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