Saturday, February 5, 2011

Days Thirty-Four and Thirty-Five

Not a lot to report on for Friday, but today I spent hours and hours creating a Kusudama ball out of newspaper. It's ridiculous, guys, never make one. The website I found the instructions on was all "you don't have to have patience to do this project!" But they LIED, it took me hours to rip the paper and hours to fold and glue it! I might do another one some day with prettier paper, but omg. It took a ridiculously long time to make. My sister and I also went to our friends' house to discuss day camp today, and we're going back tomorrow.

My day camp notebook and agenda in my purse

An extremely blurry picture of my friend Austin's shrinky-dink


Duchess, who moved when I snapped the picture, so she looks like a ghost...

The front of my day camp notebook

These are some doodles I made about day camp ^^

Here's the start of my Kusudama ball project.

One of the finished petals

More petals...

Sixty petals. Honestly.

A finished flower

And the finished ball!

I got a lot of ink and glue on my fingers during the process. I don't really know what to do with it now that I'm finished... Apparently you can put a string in the center when gluing the two halves together and make it an ornament, which I might try if I ever make another one... Anyway. We're going back to the Culbreth's house tomorrow to further discuss camp stuff. Hopefully it'll be another productive day. DFTBA!

-Betsy This is where I found the project. Mine doesn't look nearly as good, but hey, it's not bad for a first attempt.

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