Thursday, March 3, 2011


I'm back to post more pictures! I figured enough time had passed since my last post. :)

Sort of blurry, but here are all the pups: in the front, Frank, Edward, Mr. Baggins, and Sassy, behind them is Daisy, and in the background is Duchess.

My flute, green from the light in my room

My piccolo, Mario, and the All-County Etude

One of my favorite pairs of earrings

Look! A rainbow on the floor!

Gasp! Another rainbow on the floor!

A scented marker... mmm

This was displayed under the thermostat in our Girl Scout Council Office, where Emily, Kelsey, Kirsten, and I attended a camp director's training

A friend's cat. We went to her house for a Girl Scout movie party.

This cat. Was so. Freaking cute.

And her TV is huge!

A few notes I took during the camp director's meeting

A section of an antique lamp I have in my room. It has green roses all over it.

Dinosaur and Piggy <3 each other

Part of my English outline and a notecard my friend Selina and I were drawing on

A more detailed picture of the notecard, involving Stick Figure Betsy talking to Faceless Muffin, a zombie who wants to eat FM, and some swimmers playing a prank.

My friend Kirsten in the middle of explaining something obviously very important. She made a face when I pulled out my camera. xD

The beginning of a drawing Kirsten did on the cover of her notebook. She complained as I was taking this picture that she wasn't finished and could she please have it back.

An ancient (well, 10 years old) Brownie Girl Scout try-it book

My silly bands collection in a plastic heart-shaped container that originally held Ferrero Rocher Valentine's Day candy my mom got from one of her students. I ate all the candy. It was delicious.

I experimented with a nail-painting technique called "water-marbling"

This was my favorite nail... but its death came too soon.

....this picture is unattractive.

This picture is much better.

The army of colors I used in water-marbling

A few of my nails got messed up during the day and I ended up redoing eight of the ten. This is one of my favorites. Colors are green and purple

This was one of the original paint jobs. Colors are black, silver, and teal

When I put this one on, it was spread across my entire finger and it reminded me of Spider-Man. Colors are red and purple

Colors: pink, blue, and yellow

Colors: yellow, orange, and teal

This one is also one of my favorites. Colors are orange, black, and iridescent orangey-pink

Colors: blue and green

Another of the original paint jobs. Colors are teal, black, and silver

My mom and sister seem to really like this pink and red combo.

And lastly, yellow and purple

There you have it! I'm off to Montevallo's honor band this weekend, so I'll be able to get some shots of the campus. I love that spring is gleich um die Ecke!


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