Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring Break's almost over... sigh

I lied, I'm not ready to post all those New York pictures up yet. It'll be a while, but they'll be up, I promise. Meanwhile, enjoy these other pictures I've taken:

I used to make these kinds of coasters all the time, and somehow while surfing the web, I found incredible video game designs and I absolutely had to try it. Thus, the rebirth my love of perler beads.

This is a very tedious task that requires a steady hand and attention to details.

Here it is, about to be ironed to fuse the beads together...

And now a closer view...

I am very extremely proud of my creation.

Oh! A PACMAN ghost! I actually ended up making three more: a red one, a pink one, and an orange one. I also made a little Pacman.

And a STAR!

I flippin love this ghost.

He's my favorite. There are several more perler bead creations that I don't have pictures of: a green mushroom, the Pacman gang, a Pokeball, and one of those little Mario question boxes.

I did some gardening and wanted a picture of how gross my hands get

I tried out several different poses, and actually used my favorite on the project site.

Last year, this little garden was filled completely with an assortment of snapdragons.

This year, I added these to the mix. I don't remember what they're called but I really freaking love them now.


Ah, of course, had to get this shot. Open up, snapdragon...

These yellow ones are almost neon in the sunlight...

I hope the rest of the pink ones blossom soon... they're so pretty.

My mom even managed to convince me to plant in this unholy mess of a "garden." It took me a really long time to pull out all the weeds and leaves, get rid of rocks, and loosen the dirt enough to plant these marigolds and leftover snapdragons. I really should have taken a "before" picture to give you an idea of what I was working with.

Except for the few leaves that I immediately pulled out after taking this shot, this garden looks a million times better than it used to.

Pretty little marigolds... I absolutely love the way they smell. They remind me of my childhood.

In yet another bed, we have tulips growing.

I like this pink one.

This one's my favorite shot of the tulips...

I remember taking a picture of a flower that looked exactly like this last year.

Oh! Found it! (These three are from LAST YEAR):
Freaky, eh?

Here's my assortment of snapdragons. Oh so nice.

And see? I did it last year too! Om nom nom, snapdragon!

The end. Happy spring!


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